Recent Photos

11:56 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Here we are - driving up to Laramie for Josh's birthday dinner!

Josh and Bartholomew. This is the worldest cutest kitten - his blue eyes do not show - but they are crazy ocean/sky blue!

A bush with little berries along our walking route near the mall.

View on our walk - walking along Horsetooth Road - ahead of us is horsetooth mountain - can't really see the horsetooth at the top in this photo - but trust me, it is there.

Home Sweet Home

11:44 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
We have finally done it! Moved to Fort Collins, Colorado. 2 weeks today and we are absolutely thrilled! Fort Collins is wonderful. We have gotten to spend time with family. Met with our first clients and are on our way to getting them online and profitable. Murfee and I are walking 1.5 miles every other day - we even have a 2 & 3 mile route mapped out when we are ready. The cats are fairly settled. We are getting to the fun part of setting up our house, our pictures and favorite art pieces are finally getting their new homes.

Tomorrow we hope to go to Idaho Springs for the day. Spend some time at Mirror lake on Mt. Evans and have some Lumpy's at Tommyknockers. YUM!

Janelle is out working in the yard & garage now, I need to get to work on the rest of our proposal for the Dragon.

Just had to post a note - hopefully now I will have more time to sit at my desk and write for myself. Butterfly is so happy to finally be following her rainbow!

Peace to all.

Watching red birds at the window

1:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
So I have this $3 bird feeder I picked up at Wal-Mart, first I put a seedy mix in it, birds seemed to like it OK but they could empty it in a day. This tiem I picked up a bag of black oil sunflower seeds and peanuts. The birds coming to the window are georgous! This red bird is small, finch - no, bigger than a finch, I will need to go get my book, the females are all brown. Anyway - the cat's love to sit at the window, Sam is going to be a pug soon, how many times does he have to smash his face against the window to figure it out? Missy is much classier, just twitches her tail and calls them in... she is too funny!

So, after our trip to Laramie, WY & Greeley, CO we decided it is time - well, it is not really time, the time has just come to stop putting it off and do it. There is nothing more I can do for my family here. I am not where I want to be, I want to live differently! So, we are going to go. First week of September we will be out in CO looking for a rental house and jobs. If all goes as planned we will be moved in by the first of Oct.!

I am working on getting my resume to mail out to about 8 potential employers right now. So that's the plan!